October 6, 2021
, by
Joe Mason

Kickstarter: The the who fell in love with the full stop

The the who fell in love with the full stop is written by our long-time friend, copywriter and collaborator, Ste Sawyer. It's a classic love story, that playfully explores the relationship between words and typographic characters. Brought to life and illustrated by Joe Mason in a world imagined somewhere in-between the printing press and the digital page.

Kickstarter - Book - Eek & Boo

This has been a passion project for a while (too long than I care to remember) but in that time we produced a couple of short-run tests, completely changing the format, and illustration style! These tests were positively received and iterating improvements gave us the confidence to finally decide to crowdfund the production and printing costs - enabling us to realise the project on a larger scale.

Kickstarter - Book - All the letters

We've had a lot of fun in making all the illustrations for ’The the...', it's such a heartwarming little story that we hope will inspire young and old alike and be a long-cherished addition to the book shelf.

Check out the project on Kickstarter:
